

Clasfication of termites:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Arithopoda
Order : Isoptera

Characteristics of termites:
  • Outer body covered with very soft so they need to hide inside the termite mound to avoid destration of heat stress
  • They are in Four (4) classes or division
  1. Alates: Reproductives ( Reproductives cast )
  2. Queen and King -Breeders
  3. Solider - Alerting for any mound breakage
  4. Workers.
ALATE: These are the winged termites => They are reproductives half are female and other half are males => they are in even number.
They swarm out of mound during the rains.
They pair for life after finding a mate.

Why do Altes have Wings?
  • wings are only used in a short time
How do they use their wings and when?
  • Wings are usually used only in short time when locating a mate to pair with.
  • After paring/Union of male and female, they break off the wings as they are not going to use them again that's the end of using wings.
But how do they know the postion of mate?
  • The female will produce a scent know us a "pheromena" whick when pick up by a male flying  around will indie the position and presence of the female around.
  • This two now will pair and walk around together off the wings and burrying themseves underground and begin a new life as Queen and King. They will then start mating and produce Eggs.
How and where do they get food to begin with?
This new Queen and King have no workers to work for them , and they dont have a store from which they will get food
They depend on their body reserves ( Fat from their body ) as food untill when they will get workers to work for them by bringing food and turning it into the Royal Jelly  
After burying themseleves under the ground , do they come out again?
NO.Its the end of the safari, they change compeletely to be a Queen and a King. They will no longer come out.
What's going to be their role and function?
Their function and role will be feeding, mating,  and laying eggs.
What are the function of the Queen in the Mound?
The queen will lay eggs mostly 30,000per day

She is a control and a cordinator of the entire mound ( Termitary )

She gives orders to be followed by the other castes

She is the mother of all the members of the mound.
What is the function of King?
Is to mate with  Queen.
Where does the Queen stay in the mound?
She stays in the royal chambers with her King.

©NotherneWildTz 2012