
Birds of East Africa


Here's some pictures of East African birds. As ever, they are the usual bad quality scans from prints.

Augur buzzard

Female Masai Ostrich

Fiscal Shrike

Fish eagle

Greater and Lesser Flamingos

Flamingos on the wing

Greater Flamingo

Greate White Pelicans

Ground Hornbill

Kori Bustard 

Lilac-breasted Roller

Long-Crested Eagle

Marabou Stork

Male Masai Ostrich

Red-billed Hornbill

Red headed Heron 

Secretary Bird 

Superb Starling

Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle

Tawny Eagle

White-headed Buffalo Weaver

White-headed Vulture    

Yellow-throated Longclaw