
Showing posts with label Insects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insects. Show all posts


Phylum, Arthropoda; 
Class, Insecta; 
Order, Orthoptera 

Identifying FeaturesAppearance (Morphology) 
  • Brown, with some darker markings 
  • Black herringbone pattern on hind femur 
  • Big hind legs for jumping 
  • 2 pairs of wings: forewings narrow and relatively hard; hind wings large, membranous 
  • Antennae not very long, 20-24 segments 
  • Conspicuous eyes 
  • Cerci (pair of appendages at end of abdomen) unjointed 

Adult Males and Females

Males have a single unpaired plate at the end of abdomen. Female has two pairs of valves (triangle shapes) at end of abdomen used to dig in sand when egg laying.

Immatures (different stages)

In very young stage, the grasshopper has no wings. In later stages, wings are visible as small pads at end of thorax.

Natural History


Many species of grasshoppers are general herbivores feeding on a variety of plants. Some species only like grasses.


Widespread in Africa


Birds, lizards,mantids, spiders, and rodents eat grasshoppers.

Interesting Behaviors

Feeding: Although they eat many things, they still have preferences. Mating behavior: See how male courts female. Egg-laying: Female digs hole with abdomen. Some grasshoppers spit a brown bitter liquid as a defensive behavior in response to being handled. Use a piece of white paper and gently wipe the grasshopper's mouth if the spit is not evident. Before molting, grasshoppers do not eat and become less active. During the molt, they swallow air to build up pressure to split the old cuticle.

Impact on the Ecosystem


As herbivores, grasshoppers link plants to the rest of the ecosystem. Frass (droppings) contribute to nutrient turnover by returning nutrients as fertilizer for the plants. They provide food for birds and other arthropods.


Sometimes some species of grasshopper occur in very large numbers and cause serious crop damage and loss of plants in pastures.

Collecting Live Insects

Where to find

Grasshoppers are around in the spring and summer, but are most noticeable in the autumn. Areas with many grasses, small "vacant" lots and gardens are good places to start looking. Look at the area as you walk through. If you can hear the plants moving as you walk there are most likely grasshoppers around. Look during the middle of the day for best results. At night, use a flashlight to find grasshoppers roosting on the leaves. In the summer and autumn, some grasshoppers fly into porch lights.




If you did not read the Part 1 article click here

What are the functions of the solders?



Clasfication of termites:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum : Arithopoda
Order : Isoptera
