

If you did not read the Part 1 article click here

What are the functions of the solders?

  • The function of the solders are defense and warning of any danger in the mound
  • These solders are large headed with Pincers to cut the enemies 
  • They can not feed themselves but are fed by the workers as the head and Pincers are too big for them to open mouths Food is put in their mouth by workers.
How do soldiers warn of danger?
They knock their Large heads against the hard objects such as walls or against heads and making a sound which spreads within the mound as a warning enemy broken entrance that need repair or vibration of any approaching large Animal.
What are the function of Workers?

  • To feed Alates, Queen, King and Solders
  • They look for Ingredients to make Royal Jell ( Grass and Woods )
  • They bring in water to wash and cool the Queen .
  • They transfer eggs from the royal chamber to the incubation chamber.
  • They transfer alates from the incubation chamber to the waiting chamber.
  • They build and repair the Mound
  • They link the Queen out of dirt and sweat.
  • They pick  and transfer faeces from the Queen to the Royal chamber.
Where do they get water for cooling and for the Queen?
  • They dig deeper in the Earth up to the water table to get water some times they dig up 100Miters deep to get water.
What is the Life span of Workers?
  • No exactly known .It varies from one specie to another. But normally range from few months to few years.
What is the life span of the Queen?
  • Also this varies from one specie to another but it is less than 53 years.
  • Life span of a King also varies from specie to specie. In some species a King dies as soon after mating with the Queen while in some other species dies later. And some other species he stays forever( as the life span of a certain Species' queen )
Are the termites able to digest cellulose materials? 
  • Termites alone they can't digest cellulose food. They therefore developed a Symbolic relationship with Protozoans which live in their guts to digest the cellulose food. Their presence in termite Gut is so essential that they are removal from the gut of termites , the termites can not live.
Why they can not live without the presence of Protozoa?
  • This is because they ( Termites ) will starve to death due to inability to digest the cellulose staff and utilize it.
Where do termites get Protozoa?
  • They get them from the old workers through food they are given by them.
Are termites able to servive in Condition and climate not made by them?
  • No. There is no natural habitat existing which provide favorable home for termite . They only servive under conditions created by themselves.
  • They all die in hours if exposed to dry air "Direct Oxygen and Sun rays.
  • Only alates can servive for hours when Swarming and pairing. 
©NotherneWildTz 2012